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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

Job Satisfaction in Big Cities and Districts in 2020–2022 Crisis Processes

Belekhova G.V.

Volume 27, Issue 3, 2023

Belekhova G.V. (2023). Job satisfaction in big cities and districts in 2020–2022 crisis processes. Problems of Territory's Development, 27 (3), 79–98. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2023.3.125.6

DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2023.3.125.6

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Pandemic challenges and transformation of geopolitical situation have a great impact on the national labor market and social and labor sphere in Russia, which, in turn, affects the situation and well-being of the employed population. Subjective and dynamic indicator of satisfaction of job and its various aspects becomes an important generalizing indicator of employee’s position in an organization. The aim of the conducted research is to assess changes in the level of job satisfaction for population’s part, living in large cities and beyond in the conditions of crisis processes. The information base is monitoring data of labor potential, conducted by Vologda Research Center of RAS in 2018, 2020 and 2022. We use multi-dimensional approach to measuring job satisfaction. To analyze the data, we apply a toolkit of frequency distribution and construction of contingency tables. We calculate integral indices of satisfaction with the main elements of working life (work). We reveal a tendency to an increase satisfaction with most elements of job. The greatest satisfaction is in working conditions, relations with colleagues and managers, the content of the work performed, the significance of work for society, and work-life balance. The lower level of satisfaction is in payment for work, some organizational and professional aspects (work of trade union, possibilities for training and professional development). Compared with the residents of regions, residents of large cities are more satisfied with payment for work; labor conditions, especially in terms of technical equipment of workplace and compliance with labor legislation; organizational aspects and work with staff; socio-psychological aspects of work. Our research contributes to the understanding of changes in the subjective perception of work against the background of increasing external challenges


region, monitoring, labor conditions, job satisfaction, Region, payment for work, work significance