VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

Local government institute today (according to the poll of heads of municipal entities in the Vologda Oblast)

Voroshilov N.V.

1 (75), 2015

Voroshilov N.V. Local government institute today (according to the poll of heads of municipal entities in the Vologda Oblast). Problems of Territory's Development, 2015, no. 1 (75)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
  1. Voroshilov, N. V. Ocenka urovnya socialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya municipalnyh rayonov Vologodskoy oblasti i ih potenciala [Tekst] / N. V. Voroshilov // Molodye uchenye – ekonomike : sb. rabot molodezhnoy nauchnoy shkoly. – Vologda : ISERT RAN, 2013. – Vy
  2. Voroshilov, N. V. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty ocenki urovnya socialno ekonomicheskogo razvitiya municipalnyh obrazovaniy [Tekst] / N. V. Voroshilov // Molodye uchenye – ekonomike : sb. rabot molodezhnoy nauchnoy shkoly. – Vologda : ISERT RAN, 2014.
  3. Gutnikova, E. A. Mestnoe samoupravlenie: itogi pyatiletnego reformirovaniya [Tekst] / E. A. Gutnikova // Problemy razvitiya territorii. – 2011. – № 3. – C. 31.
  4. Oficialnyy portal Pravitelstva Vologodskoy oblasti [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa : http://vologda-oblast.ru
  5. Poslanie Prezidenta RF Federalnomu Sobraniyu ot 12.12.2013 [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa : http://www.kremlin.ru/transcripts/19825
  6. Publichnyy doklad o rezultatah deyatelnosti Departamenta vnutrenney politiki Pravitelstva Vologodskoy oblasti za 2013 god [Elektronnyy resurs] / Sayt Gubernatora Vologodskoy oblasti. – Rezhim dostupa : http://okuvshinnikov.ru/files/ocenka/fomichev.pd
  7. Publichnyy doklad o rezultatah deyatelnosti Departamenta vnutrenney politiki Pravitelstva Vologodskoy oblasti za 2012 god [Elektronnyy resurs] / Oficialnyy sayt Gubernatora Vologodskoy oblasti. – Rezhim dostupa : http://okuvshinnikov.ru/files/zip/ma
  8. Publichnyy doklad o rezultatah deyatelnosti Departamenta finansov Vologodskoy oblasti za 2013 god [Elektronnyy resurs] / Sayt Gubernatora Vologodskoy oblasti. – Rezhim dostupa : http://okuvshinnikov.ru/files/ocenka/doklad_departament_finansov.pdf
  9. Socialno-ekonomicheskie problemy lokalnyh territoriy [Tekst] : monografiya / T. V. Uskova, N. V. Voroshilov, E. A. Gutnikova, S. A. Kozhevnikov. – Vologda : ISERT RAN, 2013. – 196 c.__