VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Formation of intellectual capital in the territories"

Self-preservation behavior of the youth (the case of the students attending the humanities departments of higher educational establishments)

Korchagina P.S.

3 (59), 2012

Korchagina P.S. Self-preservation behavior of the youth (the case of the students attending the humanities departments of higher educational establishments). Problems of Territory's Development, 2012, no. 3 (59)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article is devoted to the self-preserving behavior direction of student youth attending the humanities departments of Vologda City higher educational establishments. It provides the comparative analysis of Vologda, Kolomna and Lublin students’ self-preservation attitudes. The direction of attitudes and actions aimed at health protection among the Vologda City students has been determined. The nature of manifesting certain self-preservation behavior parameters of the students of the higher educational establishments is determined


youth, health, self-preservation behavior, healthy lifestyle