VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Social Aspects of Regional Development"

Development opportunities of socio-professional orientations of the youth (on the example of the city of Vologda)

Golovchin M.A.

4 (52), 2010

Golovchin M.A. Development opportunities of socio-professional orientations of the youth (on the example of the city of Vologda). Problems of Territory's Development, 2010, no. 4 (52)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article consideres the factors influencing professional plans of youth, and opportunities for consolidating the efforts of educational institutions, government agencies, employers' associations and community organizations to create the conditions for conscious choice of future occupation for young people


human resources, education, professional orientation, vocational choice, vocational self-determination, career-oriented interaction