Agriculture and the village in the Komi Republic have undergone a complex long development path. The forms of land use and village management have changed. This conditioned the choice of the research objective – to identify the stages and evaluate the historical experience of development of northern agriculture and the village. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the works of economists and historians on the problems of northern agriculture and rural areas. We used analytical monographic, logical, statistical and systematic methods. The information base is provided by the data of regional and federal state statistics services. The article considers the evolution of the development of branches of peasant economy; reveals the necessity of complex farming; analyzes the methods and difficulties of collectivization of agriculture; shows the state of the material base of collective farms, agricultural production, changes in the social image of the village, the development of non-agricultural activities. We studied the development of agriculture and local industry in rural areas during the harsh trials of the Great Patriotic War. We established that it was possible to surpass the pre-war level of agricultural and livestock production in the period of post-war reconstruction. The paper analyzes the development of the industry and social transformations in rural areas for more than 30 years before the liberal market reforms. The work shows the positive impact of modernization processes on the development of the agrarian sector and the village. We assessed the impact of the formation of capitalist production on the agrarian sector, the northern village and the level of food self-sufficiency. The research results can be useful to public authorities and local self-government bodies in the working out of rural development strategy of the northern region. Future research directions are related to the solution of social and economic problems of the northern village
historical stages, peasant economy, village, agriculture, food self-sufficiency, rural territories, Komi Krai, Komi Republic