Increasing economic and political tensions is a stable trend accompanying regional development; it actualizes the need to search for and create new opportunities for resource provision of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This situation, combined with the aggravating socio-economic differentiation of regions, requires addressing the issue of diagnosing their resource endowment and improving their investment attractiveness. The situation regarding resource constraints conditioned our interest, which was expressed in setting the goal associated with the development of a methodology for assessing the resource endowment of RF constituent entities as a basic condition for increasing their investment attractiveness. The application of such methodology can specify resource opportunities and reserves, the accumulation and redistribution of which directly affect the volume of investment. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the proposed methodology is characterized by taking into account the dynamic characteristics of resource potential, includes monitoring of resource endowment in the context of key types of resources, is directly interrelated with the indicators of investment activity. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study consists of the works in the field of investment development of regional industry and realization of resource potential. In the course of the work, we used methods of calculating integral indicators reflecting the provision of the region with key types of resources; methods of indicative diagnostics of the region’s belonging to a certain type of resource endowment; our own typology of regions based on the scale of values of the corresponding integral indicators. Approbation of our own methodology made it possible to determine resource-surplus, resource-sufficient and resource-deficient regions of the Russian Federation in terms of key types of resources (financial, labor, natural, informational, and infrastructural). The research results are of interest to the relevant authorities of the federal and regional levels in terms of adjustment and working out of priorities and strategic guidelines for investment development of Russian regions, redistribution of resources, increasing competitiveness
resource endowment, region’s investment attractiveness, resource deficit, subsidization, resource consumption, socio-economic differentiation, boundaries of investment space