VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Territorial organization and management"

Methodological Approach to Assessing the Entrepreneurship Impact of Region’s Local Territories on Its Socio-economic Development

Shabanova E.P.

6 (110), 2020

Kuznetsova E.P. Methodological approach to assessing the entrepreneurship impact of region’s local territories on its socio-economic development. Problems of Territory's Development, 2020, no. 6 (110), pp. 176–191. DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2020.6.110.11

DOI: 10.15838/ptd.2020.6.110.11

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Entrepreneurship is an essential attribute of the modern market economy pattern. Today, it is becoming more widespread in Russia, solving economic, scientific, technical and social problems. At the moment, a common approach to assessing its impact on the socio-economic development level of the territory has not been developed. In this regard, the purpose of the research is to work out a methodological approach to assessing the impact of entrepreneurship of the region’s local areas on the level of its socio-economic development. This method will be an important starting basis for justifying the tactical and strategic directions of economic activity development in the region. The author analyzes the theoretical approaches to the entrepreneurship research that allows taking into account all its essential features. The researcher describes the existing methodological approaches to assess the entrepreneurship impact on the socio-economic development level of the territory. A methodological approach assessing the entrepreneurship impact of the region’s local territory on its socio-economic development level is developed. The method is tested on the local territories’ materials of the Vologda Oblast. The latter is connected with the possibility of solving strategic tasks related to the entrepreneurship that contribute to improving the region’s economy state. The materials of the article can be used by researchers, postgraduates and students, representatives of public authorities and management interested in the entrepreneurship development in the region. The novelty of the research is to develop an authorial methodological approach to assessing the entrepreneurship impact of the region’s local territories on its socio-economic development level which combines the calculation of an integral indicator to characterize the entrepreneurship development in the region and building economic-mathematical model describing its influence on the socio-economic development level


entrepreneurship, regional economy, socio-economic development, local territory, methodological approach, assess