VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

Selecting the Optimum Portfolio of Development Projects and Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Industrial Complex

Krivorotov V.V., Kalina A.V., Tret’yakov V.D., Erypalov S.E.

2 (94), 2018

Selecting the Optimum Portfolio of Development Projects and Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Industrial Complex / Krivorotov V.V., Kalina A.V., Tret’yakov V.D., Erypalov S.E.. Problems of Territory's Development, 2018, no. 2 (94), pp. 27-46. DOI: 10.15838/ptd/2018.2.94.2

DOI: 10.15838/ptd/2018.2.94.2

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The aim of this work is to develop and implement a methodological approach to the selection of an optimal portfolio of projects to develop and enhance the competitiveness of the production complex in terms of resource constraints. Solving the tasks within the framework of this goal seems relevant and should form the basis for designing strategic directions for the development of industrial complexes in the long term. On the basis of a brief analysis of existing approaches to assessing the competitiveness of economic entities, the paper shows the necessity of developing an integrated methodological approach to assessing and forecasting the competitiveness of the production complex, which can take into account all important aspects of its activities. The proposed approach is based on the use of a system approach and the principle of feedback between the current state of the object and the control actions aimed at improving this state. Thus, three large blocks of the offered methodological approach are allocated: the block of assessing the current level of competitiveness of the production complex, the block of optimizing the portfolio of projects aimed to increase the competitiveness of the production complex, and the block of forecasting the competitiveness of the production complex. The presented method of assessing the competitiveness of industrial complexes is based on a comprehensive account of the various aspects of the studied production complex with the help of a comparative analysis with leading competitors in the context of two major areas: the current competitiveness and the competitive potential of the production complex. The methodological approach to selecting the optimal portfolio of development projects and improving the competitiveness of the production complex as a target criterion uses the integrated competitiveness index, covering the main aspects of the complex. The methodological approach is based on step-by-step optimization of the projects portfolio, taking into account the conditions of their implementation, resource constraints and impact on the competitiveness index, which helps prioritize the implementation of projects for the development of the industrial complex and to achieve maximum increase in its competitiveness. The algorithm of dynamic programming is taken as the basic optimization algorithm. The practical approbation of the offered methodological approach was carried out at the largest power machine-building complex of modern Russia formed by the group of the enterprises Uralelectrotyazhmash. The results of the research allowed the authors to develop a strategy for the development and competitiveness of the group in the near future


competitiveness, competition, optimization, production complex, multi-factor evaluation, optimal portfolio of projects, dynamic programming