VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

High-Technology Export of Russia and Its Territorial Aspects

Yakushev N.O.

3 (89), 2017

Yakushev N.O. High-Technology Export of Russia and Its Territorial Aspects. Problems of Territory's Development, 2017, no. 3 (89), pp. 62-77

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Among the priorities at both the national and regional levels are the development of high-tech industries and increase of export supplies of their products to the world markets in an adverse economic environment. In countries with a high level of their own economic potential, it is strategically important to increase the share of export supplies in the total volume of high-tech products and to expand the geography of supplies to foreign markets. When there is no development of exports of high-tech industries, its full integration into the global economic space and the effective development of the country and its territories are impossible, therefore, the strategic objectives of speeding up the economy growth rates will not be implemented. The article presents the results of a high-technology export study in territorial aspect. The role of export of high-tech products in the economic development is studied and justified in the regional context. The key characteristics of the export activity of the segment of high technology products in world supplies are analyzed. The article draws export trends of high-tech products in the global comparison in the share of supplies of manufacturing industries from the period from 2010 to 2014. Tendencies of export specialization of the Russian Federation over 2004-2014 are shown according to the criteria of export of raw materials and non-primary goods. The structure of Russian export of high-tech products is also analyzed. The specification of Russian technology export to foreign countries is presented according to the objects of transactions and the geography of supplies by groups of countries. The leading foreign trade partners in Russian technology exports are considered. A detailed analysis of the state of export activity in the high-tech products sector is given among the main subjects of the Russian Federation according to the cost volume of supplies to the world market. Prospective points of growth in the export of high-technology products of regions with the integration into foreign trade markets are singled out and elaborated. Finally, the article draws the conclusions of the importance of high-tech exports as a potential for economic development of the regions


region, development, high-tech products, potential, export, world market