Amid demographic aging of the population, preservation and strengthening of child health becomes a matter of national security. The reduction in child population, high infant mortality, poor child health in general turn into large-scale economic losses for all regions. In perspective of several generations, loss of health by today’s children means exponentially growing economic losses due to reduced reproductive potential of the population and increasing expenditures of the state and society on healthcare. The situation is complicated by the fact that physically healthy children are often found living in adverse living conditions impeding adequate socialization. This leads to an increase in the prevalence of psychical and psychological development disorders, manifestations of risky and, in extreme cases, delinquent behavior. All of the abovementioned factors become prerequisites for the reduction of the human potential of the younger generation due to additional time and resource costs of remedial action and treatment. In this regard, the identification of characteristics of family education, the impact of the immediate environment on the development of children of different ages is a very important research area. The main types of risky destructive behavior is violation of moral and ethical standards in accordance with the age, drug addiction, alcoholism, use of psychoactive substances, disregard for traffic regulations, delinquency, suicidal behavior. The social implications of these types of behavior are high levels of morbidity associated with alcohol and drug addiction, mortality from external causes (traffic accidents, alcohol and drugs, suicides). Economic consequences include GDP and GRP underproduction (due to loss of human capital), expenses and damages associated with juvenile delinquency, treatment of diseases. In this paper, the authors propose a new classification of factors determining the probability of risky destructive behavior of adolescents, involving their divide in external and internal. External factors include informational influence of reference groups, normative influence of affiliated groups, material living conditions; internal – features of child personality formation (life priorities, level of self-esteem, behavioral motives). The results of child health monitoring “The study of conditions for the formation of a healthy generation” conducted by the Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS since 1995 show the influence of the family on the formation of teenagers’ bad habits. To describe the trends characterizing the prevalence of types of risky destructive behavior among teenagers the authors used official statistics, World Health Organization reports, works of Russian and foreign authors. The calculation of the economic effect of juvenile mortality was carried out with the help of analysis of data of the Federal State Statistics Service. Information processing was carried out using Microsoft Office Excel and SPSS
adolescent health, risky destructive behavior, economic consequences of risky destructive behavior