Development of civil society is one of important problems studied by the Russian humanitarian science. Taking into account the federal system of Russia, it is important to study the processes of formation of institutes of civil participation at the level of regions differing from each other through significant characteristics. The development of the third sector (citizens and non-profit organisations) must play a decisive role in making government decisions that affect economic and social development, and development of democracy in general. In recent years, efforts have been made to develop civil society institutions: public chambers, non-governmental and advisory councils, and various non-profit organizations. The results of the study show that the obstacles in the interaction between government and society are as follows: absence of clear identity of the oblast inhabitants, low level of institutional trust in public institutions and low civil activity. The passivity of citizens leads to a situation when the institutions and mechanisms of social control are created at the initiative of public authorities of the federal and regional levels. Activities of the media who give priority to official information and entertainment content do not contribute to promoting the initiative of citizens as well. Despite the attempts to encourage the formation of regional expert community, currently there is a shortage of public experts, which reduces the efficiency of measures in the sphere of public control. Further development of civil society at the regional level should involve the public in the formation of its institutions, enhance mutual openness of government and NPOs, make efforts to involve oblast residents in the implementation of socially important projects, and formation of active life position and national identity
region, state, civil society, trust, identity, civil society institutions, civic engagement