The fall in the prestige of family, the violation of intergenerational communication, the high level of alcohol addiction of the population and other social problems lead to a drop in the quality and content of family education and violation of child socialization. In this regard, there is a growing need for close cooperation and active interaction of family and school; otherwise, it is impossible to solve the problem of child socialization. The observations show a trend towards decreased interaction, increased tension in relations between family and school and weakened ties of 2 micro-societies – family and school. The insufficient educational impact of social institutions, the influence of adverse factors in the social environment can lead to the raised number of children in difficult life situations or social risk. The educational organization has a huge potential of adequate socialization, as in the process of learning a child acquires not only some knowledge and skills, but also the experience of communication with peers and adults and teamwork. At the same time, the high variety of deviant behavior manifestations among juveniles actualizes the selection of priority areas for preventive and remedial work with this category of population at the level of educational institutions. The aim of the study is to study the mechanism of work with deviant children and their families, based on the principles of consistency, the subjective approach and continuous interaction between specialists. The paper describes the role and functions of a school prevention council in securing the cooperation of specialists of educational organizations involved in the work with students, characterized by deviant behavior, and their families
social adaptation, deviation, deviant behavior, the minors, prevention and correction of deviant behavior