VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Lessons of recent history of Singapore

Romanov D.B.

6 (80), 2015

Romanov D.B. Lessons of recent history of Singapore. Problems of Territory's Development, 2015, no. 6 (80), pp. 239-251

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article makes an attempt to summarize the main directions, forms and methods used by the leadership of Singapore in the last third of the 20th and early 21st century to make the country one of the world’s economic leaders – the phenomenon of “Singapore’s economic miracle”. The material is presented against the background of global economic processes, including those in developing countries. In the center of the author’s analysis is the personality of Lee Kuan Yew – a long-term national leader and major politician and statesman. The author describes stages of formation of his personality, the areas and methods by which Lee Kuan Yew implemented economic, social and political development programs in the country. The author describes the main factors in successful development of the country and in the promotion of its rapid achievement of leading positions in the world in terms of quality indicators of the economy and social life


lee kuan yew, state innovation policy, economic and social reforms, “singapore’s economic miracle”

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