VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

Educational strategies of the youth in the Murmansk oblast (according to empirical research data)

Nedoseka E.V.

6 (80), 2015

Nedoseka E.V. Educational strategies of the youth in the Murmansk oblast (according to empirical research data). Problems of Territory's Development, 2015, no. 6 (80), pp. 143-156

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The analysis of professional and educational strategies of young people is an indicator of the socio-economic and political situation in the country in general and the region in particular. The choice of profession as one of the key decisions in a young person’s life is closely linked with the institute of education in society. The educational level is a basis of a person’s qualification and a necessary prerequisite for his/her social and professional mobility. Socio-economic realities of modern Russian society and regional specificity determine, on the one hand, the need for young people to make reasonable choice of vocational educational strategies, as in the region young people should orientate in new environment, adapt and actively seek optimal solutions, and on the other hand, require strengthening of responsibility of public and educational institutions in supporting the young generation to form life strategies in general and educational strategies in particular. The lack of systematic work on the orientation of young people in vocational and educational space makes this socio-demographic group even more vulnerable. This article proposes a theoretical analysis of the concept “educational strategy”. It substantiates the urgency of this research in the Murmansk Oblast. The Murmansk Oblast has a number of specific features of natural-climatic and socio-economic nature, which largely affect professional and educational strategies of the younger generation. Intensive population decrease and negative migration balance influence life strategies of young people in the region. The paper analyzes educational space of the region of a higher and average link. It also presents results of the empirical research conducted according to the method of questionnaires by main indicator – vocational-educational orientations of young people of the Murmansk Oblast. The obtained results give the opportunity to form a view about desirable directions of self-realization, and identify the level of aspiration of this socio-demographic group that will help build long-term youth policy in the region more effectively, consider the factors to “retain” young people and attract them to the Murmansk Oblast


young people, self-realization, life strategy, vocational-educational strategy, level of aspiration. references