Given the modern level of information technology development, popularization of scientific achievements is one of the most important tasks of a scientific organization. It can be solved by means of such a tool, as a website of the organization. To date, the majority of scientific and educational institutions of Russia have their own websites; however, the improvement of the quality continues to be an urgent task. The article generalizes the experience of the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the RAS in promoting scientific activities of the organization through the website. It presents the brief history of development, the current structure and the content of the Internet portal of the Institute. The work substantiates the necessity to monitor popularity of the website and reveals the existing approaches to its assessment. It discloses the results of the browsing history analysis, obtained by means of the Institute’s own system of statistical data collection, including the data to form a “social portrait” of the website user. The authors consider the systems to analyze the website traf
website of a research organization, internet portal, website traf