VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

Specifics of life strategies of inhabitants of settlements in the Kola North

Tsylev V.R. .

4 (78), 2015

Tsylev V.R. . Specifics of life strategies of inhabitants of settlements in the Kola North. Problems of Territory's Development, 2015, no. 4 (78)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Small settlements experience the greatest difficulties in overcoming crisis phenomena in the North of Russia due to the limited resource base. It is possible to find the additional resources for development of settlements when studying life strategies of the local population. Natural resources are a significant source of livelihood in these townships as the results of series of studies show. Various small townships have the different degree of remoteness from population centers and different accessibility to natural resources, and the identification and studying of life strategies of the population in them are an important scientific and applied problems. The sociological research of life strategies inhabitants of the settlement of Teriberka (Murmansk Oblast) was directed to solving this problem. It was carried out the framework of a regional grant RHSF project №14-13-51601. The results of this research show that life strategies of the population of Teriberka are based on their notions of social-cultural space of the village. Most inhabitants of Teriberka cannot build positive life strategies. The article provides specific suggestions that will help solve this problem


socio-cultural space, prospects of life activity, life strategies