VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Sustainable development of territories, branches, and production complexes"

The accounts chamber of the Russian Federation: draft budget plan for 2015 – 2017 will not solve strategic state objectives

Povarova A.I.

2 (76), 2015

Povarova A.I. The accounts chamber of the Russian Federation: draft budget plan for 2015 – 2017 will not solve strategic state objectives. Problems of Territory's Development, 2015, no. 2 (76)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
In accordance with the budget legislation the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation prepared the final report on the draft law on the RF federal budget for 2015 and the 2016–2017 planning period and sent it to the federal authorities. The document notes that the draft budget is formed in difficult socio-economic conditions due to the presence of systemic risks related to the geopolitical situation, imposition of sectoral sanctions and high dependence of the Russian economy and the budget system on the external environment. The article deals with the features of the final report on the forecast of Russia’s socio-economic development and the draft law on the 2015 – 2017 federal budget. It reveals the critical attitude of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, particularly, to the risks associated with the implementation of the tasks included in the key strategic planning documents and the inaugural presidential decrees. The work makes a comparative analysis of the Accounts Chamber’s final reports on the draft laws on the federal budget, presented in 2014 and 2013


risks, accounts chamber of the russian federation, forecast of socio-economic development, draft budgetary plan