The article describes the experience of the Russian Federation and the European Union in the development of cooperation in innovation work and the features of activation of international cooperation in innovation work in Europe, which is achieved, first of all, due to the tools for boosting innovation activity, created by the European Union. It is shown that the considered key instruments of the European Union for supporting research and development would involve the cooperation between the innovation activity agents from different states involved in the innovation work, not only from Europe, on the base of the international projects aimed at the achieving the highest efficiency of research and development activities, and create synergy from the cooperation. The groundwork for the development of international cooperation between Russian innovation activity agents and European partners is described. The author points out that international cooperation in innovation activity in Russia is developed, as a rule, within European programs, the Russian Federation federal target programs, some competitive tenders on science and research works, which are funded by the Russian Federation and the European Union. The relation of these instruments to national and supranational levels is defined. The author comes to conclusion about the necessity of the regional approach to the innovation development of territory
international cooperation, innovation activity, innovation work, stimulation, tools for development
of international cooperation