VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

Research into the organization of city leisure space in the fields of culture and art (case study of the city of Murmansk)

Nedoseka E.V.

2 (70), 2014

Nedoseka E.V. Research into the organization of city leisure space in the fields of culture and art (case study of the city of Murmansk). Problems of Territory's Development, 2014, no. 2 (70)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The research into many aspects of city life is possible only with a deeper understanding of the influence of social institutions, culture and social organization on the quality of life of urbanpopulation, and on the realization of human potential. A special role in expanding the borders of living space belongs to leisure that promotes free realization of personal potential. A significant share of personal potential is generated in the framework of individual leisure activities; then this potential is realized in the structure of urban resident’s lifestyle, and it determines the quality of life and social wellbeing. Organization of leisure space defines the cultural appearance of a modern city, thus influencing the identity of citizens, their norms, values, and behavior patterns. Satisfaction of population with public organization of leisure space is an indicator of its general condition. The article outlines the degree of scientific elaboration of the problem, analyzes leisure space in Murmansk city, and normative documents that define its main development directions on the territory of the city. The author presents the data of sociological survey of young people’s satisfaction with the services in the sphere of culture and art. The results of the study confirm a high importance of this sector for the Murmansk city youth as a socio-demographic group, and reveal a number of reasons for dissatisfaction with the consumption of services provided by cultural and art spheres


leisure space, leisure, leisure in the sphere of culture and art, youth leisure

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