VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "From the Editorial Board"

Social development and modern demographic challenges

Shabunova A.A.

2 (70), 2014

Shabunova A.A. Social development and modern demographic challenges. Problems of Territory's Development, 2014, no. 2 (70)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article presents the results of a research into demographic processes at global, international and interregional levels. It reveals that in modern conditions there is a real demographic threat to economic growth and social development as a whole. The author defines the problem of population decline, deserted areas and demographic ageing. The main consequence of the first two issues is a threat to national security and the country’s territorial integrity. The possible discontinuance of birth rate growth and the rise in Russia’s population mortality in the mid term perspective are argued, the settlement features, characterized by a high concentration of the population and the increase in the percentage of unoccupied land, are indicated. The article discloses the scope and implications of the high proportion of the elderly people, which carries the risks of a considerable increase in economic burden, laid by the elderly people on the working population. In this regard, the author substantiates the necessity of taking into account demographic trends, while elaborating strategic development of Russia and its regions


economic development, depopulation, population ageing, social development, demographic processes, deserted areas