VolRC RAS scientific journal (printed edition)
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Journal section "Life quality and human potential of territories"

Opportunities for and potential of the birth rate increase in Russia

Kalachikova O.N., Shabunova A.A.

6 (68), 2013

Kalachikova O.N., Shabunova A.A. Opportunities for and potential of the birth rate increase in Russia. Problems of Territory's Development, 2013, no. 6 (68)

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article assesses the fertility potential of the population of Russia and the Vologda Oblast using the methodology of V.A. Borisov. The hypothetical minimum of natural birth rate and the degree of its implementation has been calculated in the article. It also considers the structure of mechanisms stimulating fertility in Russia by influencing the reproductive behavior, and shows the efficiency of information methods of its regulation


fertility, demographic policy, reproductive behavior, hypothetical minimum of natural birth rate